
In my research I pursue topics relevant to education in the Appalachian region with a global view combining empirical research and philosophy of education.

2016-Present. Prison Education, Freedom, and Critical Thinking

Working with Drs. Sultana Shabazz, Melissa Harness, and Brittany Aronson, we have researched and written on the topics of prison education, freedom, and critical thinking as they apply to democratic citizenship.

2014-Present. Teaching Professionalism and Assessment Practices

Working with Dr. Karee Dunn and doctoral researchers, we have examined pre-service teacher attitudes towards data-driven decision making and simulated parent-teacher conferences.

2011-Present. Phenomenology and Existentialism in Education Research Group

This research group examines exceptional teaching and learning from the perspective of phenomenological pedagogy. I collaborate with senior professors and graduate students in the development of a book proposal, papers, posters, and workshops. I have designed specific research projects and coded and analyzed various data. I assist other researchers in the initial stages of their studies.

  1. Nicaragua Drug and Violence Prevention

This research project was funded by the government of Nicaragua with the intent of reducing demand for illicit drugs and reducing violence. I coded and analyzed 26 interviews and collaborated in developing culturally relevant drug and violence prevention program.

2012-Present. High School Nano-technology Research

Independent research of exceptional teaching and learning project. I investigated student experience in original science research. I designed the study, interviewed students, transcribed interviews, coded and analyzed data, developed paper and poster presentations.

2012-2013. Pi Beta Phi Elementary School and Place-Based Education

Independent research of exceptional teaching and learning project. I analyzed pilot interviews with students and teachers regarding experience of the Parks as Classroom National Parks Program, and conducted philosophical research into place-based education.

2012-2013. Waters and Civilization Course Improvement Research

Interviewed students and instructor of a flipped course, guest lectured, consulted with instructor on results and potential course improvements.